两名 BrightSign 队员面带微笑,左边缘模糊不清


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加入 BrightSign 团队

在一家投资于您的领先科技公司发展您的职业生涯。BrightSign 提供具有竞争力的薪酬和福利、灵活的远程或混合工作时间安排、无限的发展潜力,以及由充满热情、创造力和创新精神的专业人士组成的全球团队所打造的基于绝妙创意和协作的包容性文化。


在 BrightSign,我们的团队是我们的坚强后盾。我们的使命是让员工在工作中展现最好的自己,同时在工作中找到激情和目标。我们致力于打造世界一流的团队和体验。 这就是为什么我们从第一天起就强调发展和参与。


通过 BrightSign 在您的职业生涯中迈出新的一步。

BrightSign 团队挥舞 InfoComm 2023

What We Offer

We’re proud to offer a comprehensive benefits package to our full time employees including competitive pay, medical, dental, vision, and flexible PTO.
close up photo of Misty Chalk speaking near the trailblazer's zone at InfoComm 23
Unlimited PTO

You decide when and for how long to take time off. PTO can you be used however you want, from a mental health day to a tropical vacation.

friendly BrightSign employee explaining product benefits
Remote Work

We offer fully remote or hybrid working models. If you are fully remote, we can help outfit your home office with a home office setup allowance to be used how you choose and regular payroll contributions to home internet and cell phone use.

BrightSign team member smiling with friendly patrons in slightly blurred background
Parental Benefits

BrightSign is pleased to offer a generous inclusive Parental Support for primary and secondary caregivers.  The policy is gender neutral at every level of the business and in all locations, although some countries may provide additional statutory benefits.

BrightSign team member Nick talking to interested man
Health Benefits

We want to keep our employees’ health a priority. Therefore, we offer a variety of different plan options that suit you and yours. We also provide a credit that typically covers the cost for the employee premium. This includes Medical, Dental, and Vision plans.

close up of BrightSign team member presenting various players
Wellness Benefits (Healthiest You)

If enrolled, you get on-demand, remote access to a number of different specialty service providers at $0 cost per session. This includes mental health, dermatology, nutrition, and much more.

BrightSign team waving at infocomm 23 table
Retirement Savings

We want you to be setup for success. You are automatically enrolled and able to contribute to our 401(k) or pension plan* upon start date.

*Please refer to the plan rules for more details*

BrightSign VP of Sales Misty Chalk presenting sports locker signage products at InfoComm 23
Continuous Development

We offer ongoing learning opportunities from on-demand courses to live workshops. We believe all of our employees should have access to and the ability to learn new skills or brush up on best practices in their field.

Join The Team

BrightSign welcomes people from all backgrounds, experiences, abilities, and perspectives. We are an equal-opportunity employer and encourage all interested individuals to apply.