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Quickstart Guide

Get started with BrightSign.

Get Started with BrightSign

Getting started with your BrightSign player is as easy as 1-2-3.

Player Setup

An introduction to the core concepts of setting up your BrightSign player, the various publishing methods available, and how BSN.Cloud works.

Content Cloud Setup

Use to Provision (set up) a player to use BrightSign’s paid cloud-based Content Management System (CMS).

CMS Partner Setup

Use to Provision (set up) a player to use one of our many Content Management System (CMS) partners .

Local Network Setup

Use to Provision (set up) a player to use Local Network mode and BrightAuthor:connected to create and publish content directly to your player over a Local Area Network.

Standalone Setup

Create a Setup and apply it to your player with a MicroSD card and use BrightAuthor:connected to create and publish content to it. A network connection is not needed.

Web Folder Setup

Use to Provision (set up) a player to use BrightAuthor:connected to create and publish content to that player from a web folder or FTP location.

Need Help?

We offer a number of online resources to ensure you have all the information you need to make the most of your digital signage solution. 

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